O ansalblu:
FS Makovica is considered to be one of the oldest national foklore ensembles. It has been
representative of Ruthenian’s culture since its beginning in May 1956 to present day. The founder of
our ensemble is „Edification center of Poddukliansky region“ in Svidník (small city in northeast part of
FS Makovica focuses mostly on cultural heritage like songs, dances and national region
costumes of Šariš, Zemplín and Spiš area. Production of folk group is characteristic by distinctive
approach to selection and processing of original folk materials. It features ingenuit and expression of
life optimism. The ensemble is famous among the public at home and abroad. FS Makovica has
travelled the whole Europe and also a big part of Asia. Organizators and audience highly appreciate
artistic level of performances and theirs attractiveness.
During its existence the ensemble achieves a lot of prizes in competitons and festivals as well.
Currently the group consists of mostly young people and students from number of professions or
schools of the town who fell in love with folklore and traditional folk culture. They chose to preserve
the culture by presenting their skills and spending time in it.
Because of that FS Makovica has established another folk group only for children: Makovička
(actually with 120 children). The reason is to raise a new generation of young people interested in
national culture and traditions.